Lotteries are run in the Pacific countries to reward tag finders.
The lotteries are part of the awareness program to increase interest on tag recoveries and highlight the importance for the tag finders to participate to the biggest tagging program in the Pacific Ocean.
In November 2014, a lottery was run in Philippines and Papua new Guinea with 5 winners and a bigger price of 1078 USD.
The 5 winners provided information on their background, the use of the reward and about the tagging project:
In February 2012, 3 lotteries, in local fishing ports, canneries, markets, were run in Papua New Guinea in Lae, Wewak and Madang.
Lottery in Lae (Frabelle) with the local TRO Priscilla Wrambin.
Lottery in Madang at RD fishing with the happy winner Bernard and the local TRO Jacinta Jacob.
Lottery in Wewak at SSTC cannery with the local TRO Andrew Rahiria